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Medisan ; 27(6)dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1534920


Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es un problema de salud pública a escala mundial y Cuba no está exenta de este. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer de pulmón según variables clínicas, epidemiológicas y morfológicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, descriptivo y retrospectivo de los 145 adultos diagnosticados con cáncer de pulmón en el Servicio de Neumología del Hospital General Docente Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero del 2018 hasta diciembre del 2019. A tal efecto, en el procesamiento estadístico se emplearon como medidas de resumen el porcentaje y la media para variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, respectivamente; asimismo, se aplicaron el coeficiente kappa para establecer el grado de concordancia entre datos y la prueba de independencia de la Χ2 para identificar asociación significativa entre los criterios de interés seleccionados (con p<0,05). Resultados: Se obtuvo un predominio del sexo masculino (62,1 %) y el grupo etario de 65-75 años (37,9 %). Respecto a la variedad histológica, resultó más frecuente el carcinoma epidermoide (42,7 %). El pulmón derecho fue el más afectado, específicamente su lóbulo superior (33,8 %); del mismo modo, existieron alteraciones morfológicas, como la infiltración bronquial (100,0 %), la irregularidad y el edema de la mucosa (con 98,5 % en cada caso) y la inflamación con engrosamiento de la pared bronquial (90,3 %). Conclusiones: La determinación de las características clínicas, epidemiológicas y morfológicas relacionadas con el cáncer de pulmón permite efectuar el correcto seguimiento de los pacientes y aplicar un adecuado protocolo terapéutico.

Introduction: Lung cancer is a public health problem worldwide and Cuba is not exempt from it. Objective: Characterize patients diagnosed with lung cancer according to clinical, epidemiological and morphological variables. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study was carried out on 145 adults diagnosed with lung cancer in the Pneumology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2018 to December, 2019. For this purpose, in the statistical processing, the percentage and mean were used as summary measures for qualitative and quantitative variables, respectively; Likewise, there were applied the kappa coefficient to establish the degree of agreement between data and the Χ2 independence test to identify a significant association between the selected criteria of interest (with p<0.05). Results: There was a predominance of the male sex (62.1%) and the age group of 65-75 years (37.9%). Regarding the histological type, squamous cell carcinoma was more common (42.7%). The right lung was the most affected, specifically its upper lobe (33.8%); also, there were morphological alterations, such as bronchial infiltration (100.0%), mucosal irregularity and edema (with 98.5% in each case), and inflammation with bronchial wall thickening (90.3%). Conclusions: The determination of the clinical, epidemiological and morphological characteristics related to lung cancer makes it possible to carry out the correct follow-up of the patients and apply an appropriate therapeutic protocol.

Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 34(3): 86-93, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1535524


Introducción: los pacientes con granulomatosis con poliangitis (GPA) pueden presentar compromiso de la vía aérea superior (VAS) o inferior (VAI). Objetivos: describimos las manifestaciones endoscópicas de las vías respiratorias, los hallazgos histológicos y los anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA) en un grupo de pacientes con GPA. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo de historias clínicas de pacientes con GPA sometidos a broncoscopia entre 2012 y 2019. Se analizaron hallazgos de la vía aérea, biopsias y ANCA. Resultados: se incluyeron 40 pacientes, con una edad media de 46,92±17,61 años, predominantemente del sexo femenino (67,5%). Se observó afectación de la vía aérea en el 90% (n=36). El C-ANCA fue reactivo en el 63,9%, P-ANCA en el 25%, ANCA doblemente reactivo en el 8,33% y no reactivo en el 20%. Los hallazgos comunes en la vía aérea superior (VS) fueron sinusitis crónica (41,7%), destrucción del tabique nasal (16,7%); y en la vía aérea inferior (AI): estenosis traqueobronquial (38,9%), traqueobronquitis (25%). Los hallazgos más frecuentes de las biopsias broncoscópicas fueron proceso inflamatorio polimorfonuclear (61,9%) y necrosis geográfica (47,6%). Conclusión: la vía aérea está comprometida hasta en un 90% de los pacientes con GPA. ANCA no reactivos no descartan esta posibilidad. La sinusitis crónica y los procesos fibroestenóticos traqueobronquiales fueron los hallazgos endoscópicos más comunes. La vasculitis en biopsias se encontró en una minoría de casos.

Introduction: patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) may present upper airway (UA) and lower airway (LA) involvement. Objectives: we describe the endoscopic manifestations of the airways, histological findings from biopsied tissue and antineutrophilic cytoplasm antibody (ANCA) in a group of patients with GPA. Methods: retrospective study of medical records of patients with GPA undergoing bronchoscopy between 2012 and 2019. Airway findings, results of biopsies performed and ANCA results were analyzed. Results: 40 patients were included, with a mean age of 46.92±17.61 years and predominantly female (67.5%). Airway involvement was observed in 90% (n=36). The C-ANCA was reactive in 63.9%, P-ANCA in 25%, doubly reactive ANCA in 8.33% and non-reactive in 20%. The findings in upper airway (UA) were: chronic sinusitis (41.7%), destruction of the nasal septum (16.7%); and in lower airway (LA) were: tracheobronchial stenosis (38.9%) and tracheobronchitis (25%). The pathological findings most common of bronchoscopic biopsies were: polymorphonuclear inflammatory process (61.9%) and geographic necrosis (47.6%). Conclusion: the airway is involved in up to 90% of patients with GPA. Non-reactive ANCA does not rule out this possibility. Chronic sinusitis and tracheobronchial fibrostenotic processes were the most common endoscopic findings. Vasculitis in biopsies was found in a minority of cases.

Constriction, Pathologic
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(5)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521875


Introducción: Las opacidades pulmonares en receptores de trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos (TPH) representan un desafío diagnóstico y son una causa de morbimortalidad. Existen grandes discrepancias con respecto a la sensibilidad diagnóstica del lavado broncoalveolar (LBA), sus complicaciones, y los factores asociados a la identificación microbiológica. Objetivo: Conocer la utilidad del estudio microbiológico del LBA en el diagnóstico, modificación de la conducta médica y estimar las complicaciones y mortalidad asociada al procedimiento, en receptores de TPH con opacidades pulmonares. Pacientes y Métodos: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, en adultos receptores de TPH a los que se les realizó una broncoscopía con LBA por presentar opacidades pulmonares, en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires entre el 01/01/2011 y el 31/12/2020. Resultados: De los 189 procedimientos analizados, en 79 se logró un hallazgo microbiológico (41,8%) y 122 permitieron modificar la conducta médica (64,6%). En 11 casos se observaron complicaciones graves dentro de las 12 horas (5,8%) de efectuado el LBA. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue de 16,8% (N = 21/125). El valor de neutrófilos en sangre previo al LBA (p = 0,037) y la presencia de nódulos pulmonares como lesión tomográfica predominante (p = 0,029) se asociaron independientemente al hallazgo microbiològico global. Conclusiones: Nuestra investigación apoya la realización del LBA como herramienta diagnóstica en pacientes que reciben un TPH y presentan opacidades pulmonares.

Background: Lung opacities are a cause of morbimortality in bone marrow transplant patients, and represent a diagnostic challenge. There are large discrepancies regarding the diagnostic sensitivity of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), its complications, and the factors associated with microbiological detection. Aim: To know the usefulness of the microbiological study of BAL in the diagnosis, in the modification in medical behavior and to estimate the complications and associated mortality of this diagnostic procedure in patients transplanted with hematopoietic progenitor cells with pulmonary opacities. Methods: Retrospective cohort study in bone marrow transplant adult patients who underwent bronchoscopy with BAL due to lung opacities at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires between 01/01/2011 and 12/31/2020. Results: Of the 189 BAL analyzed, 79 presented a microbiological detection (41.8%) and 122 allowed to modify the medical behavior (64.6%). Severe complications were observed within 12 hours after the procedure in11 cases (5.8%). In-hospital mortality was 16,8% (N = 21/125). The value of blood neutrophils prior to bronchoalveolar lavage (p = 0.037) and the presence of pulmonary nodules as the predominant tomographic lesion (p = 0.029) were independently associated with global microbiological detection. Conclusion: Our research supports the performance of BAL as a diagnostic tool in bone marrow transplant patients with lung opacities.

Indian J Pediatr ; 2023 Jul; 90(7): 718–722
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223762


Respiratory illnesses are common causes of morbidity and mortality in children. Postgraduates in Pediatrics spent significant time in learning to manage respiratory disorders. Improved survival of preterm neonates, improved diagnosis and survival of chronic respiratory problems, and advances in diagnosis and therapeutics have increased the need for specialists trained in managing these patients. Training programs in Pediatric Pulmonology are evolving over the past few decades. In India, super-specialty training in Pediatric Pulmonology has grown over the past few years. There is a need to modify the training structure used in industrialized countries due to differences in patient population, priorities, and limited available resources and expertise. Formal training courses have been started in a limited number of institutions. There is a large gap between the need for a trained workforce and the available specialists in the limited number of institutions. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics National Respiratory Chapter (IAPNRC) has initiated a fellowship program to bridge the gap. Comprehensive training involving academic and hands-on training may go a long way to improve the care of children with acute and chronic respiratory problems. For sustainable development of the super specialty, there is a need to work towards creating Pediatric Pulmonology service departments in various institutions that may be responsible for comprehensive training and research activities to answer common research questions.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 206-213, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515466


La traqueotomía percutánea por dilatación es un procedimiento que se realiza en las unidades de paciente crítico, implica la disección roma de los tejidos pretraqueales, seguida de la dilatación de la tráquea sobre la guía y la inserción de la cánula traqueal mediante la técnica de Seldinger. En las últimas décadas, la evidencia sugiere que, en manos de médicos capacitados, es al menos tan segura como la traqueotomía quirúrgica, con similar incidencia de complicaciones. La selección adecuada de pacientes y el uso de herramientas de seguridad complementarias, como broncoscopio o ultrasonido, disminuyen las tasas de falla y complicaciones. Siendo contraindicaciones absolutas para traqueotomía percutánea por dilatación una anatomía anormal, tumor maligno en el sitio de traqueostomía, coagulopatías o vía aérea difícil. La guía mediante broncoscopia permite la evaluación de la profundidad del tubo endotraqueal, confirma la posición de la aguja en el eje de la tráquea y la adecuada inserción del cable guía y dilatador. Entre sus desventajas destacan que, el sitio de punción está sujeto a sesgo y no puede guiar con precisión la aguja en la penetración de la tráquea. La traqueotomía percutánea guiada por ultrasonido es una alternativa validada en unidades, donde no se cuente con broncoscopia. Es un método rápido, seguro, que permite la identificación de estructuras anatómicas, vasculatura cervical, permite identificar el sitio de la punción y guía la inserción de la aguja en la tráquea. Esta técnica presenta altas tasas de éxito al primer intento, reduciendo significativamente el número de punciones.

Percutaneous dilation tracheostomy is a procedure performed in critical patient units. It involves blunt dissection of the pretracheal tissues followed by dilation of the trachea over the guidewire and insertion of the tracheal cannula using the Seldinger technique. In recent decades, evidence suggests that in the hands of trained physicians it is at least as safe as surgical tracheostomy, with a similar incidence of complications. The proper selection of patients and the use of complementary safety tools such as bronchoscope or ultrasound reduce failure rates and complications. Being absolute contraindications for PDT abnormal anatomy, malignant tumor at the tracheostomy site, coagulopathies, or difficult to treat airway. Bronchoscopy guidance allows evaluation of the depth of the endotracheal tube, confirms the position of the needle in the axis of the trachea and the proper insertion of the guide wire and dilator. Among its disadvantages are that the puncture site is subject to slant and cannot accurately guide the needle into the trachea. In addition, it requires Critical Patient Units with bronchoscope and trained personnel. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous tracheotomy is a validated alternative in units where bronchoscopy is not available. It is a fast, safe method that allows the identification of anatomical structures, cervical vasculature, identifies the puncture site and guides the insertion of the needle into the trachea. With high first-attempt success rates, significantly reducing the number of punctures.

Humans , Tracheotomy/methods , Dilatation/methods , Trachea/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color/methods
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219117


Background: Airway management of patients with tracheal stenosis is highly challenging and even establishing a surgical airway may be difficult in these patients. Case: A 24 year old female developed pinhole tracheal restenosis after undergoing tracheal web resection and reconstruction. After other modes of ventilation had failed, we used the Manual jet ventilator endotracheal tube assembly as a rescue device and performed intermittent low-frequency jet ventilation until a definitive surgical airway could be established. Conclusion: Central airway obstruction in severe tracheal stenosis can cause life-threatening hypoxia. Jet ventilation through the pin hole opening buys some time for the surgeon to secure the airway.

Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Apr; 60(4): 290-293
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225407


Objective: To analyze the etiology of hemoptysis in children and to correlate the severity of bleed with the etiology. Methods: This retrospective multicentre study reviewed data from inpatient units of four tertiary care public and private sector pediatric hospitals in Tamil Nadu. Methods: Inpatient case records of children (aged 2 month-15 years) treated for hemoptysis at the four institutions between April, 2012 and March, 2021 were identified, after ethical clearance from respective institutions. Data of children with underlying known bleeding disorders like hemophilia or platelet abnormality were excluded from the study. Hemoptysis was categorized as mild, moderate and severe Results: Of the 73 children who had presented with hemoptysis during the study period, 60 (82.2%) children had mild, 9 (12.3%) had moderate and rest had severe hemoptysis. Idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage was the most common cause of hemoptysis. The common causes of mild hemoptysis in children were idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage (n=15, 25%), pulmonary tuberculosis (n=12, 20%) and pneumonia (n=8, 13.3%). Congenital airway anomalies and vascular anomalies were more likely to present with moderate to severe bleed. Conclusion: Etiology of hemoptysis is broad and categorizing them into mild, moderate and severe may give a clue about the possible etiology, there by restricting to the required investigations.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221376


Background: Virtual bronchoscopy is a noninvasive tool for assessing the airway. It can be used along with multiplanar CT scan for better assessment of endobronchial tree. A lot of researches has been conducted in various parts of the world weather CT bronchoscopy can replace actual flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy. We aimed to explore the utility of virtual bronchoscopy (VB) for evaluation of tracheobronchial lesions and weather this can be helpful for pulmonologist for better assessment of airway while using real time flexible bronchoscopy. Our age group comprised of patients from 21 years to a maximum a Results : ge of 80 years with a mean age of 52.6 years. VB was better in detecting external compression with a Kappa value of 0.68. VB had a moderate agreement with FOB to detect endoluminal lesions with kappa value of 0.70. None of the mucosal changes detected by FOB was detected by VB. In detecting obstructive lesions VB substantially agreed with FOB with a kappa value of 0.8. Moderate agreement was seen by VB in detecting both malignant and non-malignant lesions vompared to FOB. Virtual bronchoscopy when used in conjunction with axial CT Conclusion: images can enhance diagnostic accuracy of bronchial pathologies. VB cannot replace conventional bronchoscopy due to associated disadvantages such as the inability to perform a biopsy, the inability to detect mucosal infiltration, the relatively low specificity rate when compared to high sensitivity rates, and the inability to offer real-time evaluation

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 21: eAO0391, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528567


ABSTRACT Objective To describe the clinical, bronchoscopic, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects between children and adults. Methods This retrospective study compared the clinical and bronchoscopic characteristics of adults and children who underwent bronchoscopy for suspected foreign body aspiration. Data on sex, outpatient or emergency origin, bronchoscopy results, characteristics of the aspirated foreign body, and complications were analyzed. Results In total, 108 patients were included in the analysis, with foreign body aspiration diagnosed in 69% of patients (30 children and 44 adults). In 91% of patients, there was a clinical history suggestive of aspiration. The mean age of the adults was 65.89 (±19.75) years, and that of the children was 2.28 (±1.78) years. Most of the children were under 3 years of age (80%), while adults were mostly 70 years of age or older (54.5%). Emergency care was more common among children than adults. The most common foreign bodies found in both age groups were organic bodies, primarily seeds. The most frequent locations of foreign bodies were the lobar bronchi in adults and the main bronchi in children. Flexible bronchoscopy is the primary method for diagnosis and treatment. Transient hypoxemia occurred particularly frequently in children (5%). Conclusion Foreign body aspiration, particularly that involving seeds, is more common in the extremes of age. A clinical history suggestive of aspiration is crucial in determining the need for bronchoscopy, which should be performed as early as possible. Flexible bronchoscopy is an effective and safe diagnostic technique.

Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(4): 500-502, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447618


Abstract Acquired angioedema with C1 inhibitor deficiency (AAE-C1INH) is a very rare condition of bradykinin-mediated angioedema. One of its major complications is potentially life-threatening, laryngeal edema. We report a 53-year-old woman with AAE-C1INH proposed for an elective broncofibroscopy. The direct stimulation caused by broncofibroscopy poses a high risk of angioedema, thus presenting an anesthetic challenge. Due to the risk of death, it is essential to adopt preventive measures. Short-term prophylaxis was performed, and the acute treatment was readily available. A well-structured multidisciplinary periprocedural plan makes it possible to safely approach the airway, in a remote area of the hospital.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Angioedemas, Hereditary/therapy , Anesthetics , Angioedema
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(5): 686-688, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520362


Abstract Concomitant use of a nasopharyngeal catheter is frequently used for oxygen supply during fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB). This is a procedure that presents possible complications that are not negligible. We demonstrate the case of a 61-year-old woman who underwent FOB due to a history of hemoptoic sputum. During the procedure, gastric rupture occurred with a large pneumoperitoneum and bilateral pneumothorax requiring immediate drainage of the air and an emergent laparotomy. This was probably a complication of the nasopharyngeal catheter. The knowledge of these complications is essential for their correct identification and treatment.

Heart Arrest
Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 29(2): 58-64, 2023. Ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530246


El cáncer broncogénico tiene una base genética, que se expresa por factores externos relacionados a la exposición medioambiental y laboral, en los últimos años ha cambiado el perfil epidemiológico con incidencia creciente en mujeres sin hábito tabáquico en rangos de 50-70 años. Paciente femenino de 50 años con el antecedente de exposición a humo de leña y uso de pesticidas, con síndrome de atelectasia pulmonar masiva izquierda. Se realizó estudios fibrobroncoscopicos con toma de biopsia de masa tumoral endobronquial izquierda y se realizó la primera criobiopsia por fibrobroncoscopía en Bolivia, posteriormente paciente fue sometida a neumonectomia izquierda con estudio histopatológico concluyente de carcinoma indiferenciado de células pequeñas con primario pulmonar. Existe una fuerte asociación entre la exposición medio-ambiental y laboral y el cáncer broncogénico en pacientes no fumadores, incluso en variantes histopatológicas infrecuentes en este subgrupo como el cáncer de células pequeñas o microcítico.

Bronchogenic cancer has a genetic basis, which is expressed by external factors related to environmental and occupational exposure. In recent years, the epidemiological profile has changed with increasing incidence in women without tobacco habit in ranges of 50-70 years. A 50-year-old female patient with a history of exposure to wood smoke and pesticide use, with massive left lung atelectasis syndrome. Fibrobronchoscopy studies were performed with a biopsy of the left endobronchial tumor mass and the first cryobiopsy was performed by fibrobronchoscopy in Bolivia, later the patient underwent left pneumonectomy with a conclusive histopathological study of undifferentiated small cell carcinoma with a pulmonary primary. There is a strong association between environmental and occupational exposure and bronchogenic cancer in non-smokers, even in infrequent histopathological variants in this subgroup such as small cell or microcytic cancer.

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection ; (12): 343-350, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993095


Objective:To investigate the necessity and feasibility of the virtual simulation teaching experiment software of the bronchoscopy intelligent navigation-based fiducial marker implantation technology in the clinical application of radiotherapy.Methods:This study developed a 3D virtual operation and interactive system using the Unity3D engine, tools including 3Dmax and Maya, and the SQL database. The scenes in the system were produced using the currently popular next-generation production process. Targeting the priorities and difficulties in the implantation of fiducial markers, the system developed in this study allowed for simulated demonstration and training based on 12 steps and 10 knowledge points. Internal tests and remote evaluation tests were adopted in this system to obtain the test result of each subject. Then, the application value of the system was analyzed based on the test result.Results:As of May 1, 2022, the system had received 2 409 views and 425 test participants, with an test completion rate of 100% and an experiment pass rate of 96.5%. Moreover, this system won unanimous praise from 167 users, primarily including the students majoring in multilevel medical imaging technology and medical imaging science from the Fujian Medical University, as well as the radiotherapy-related staff of this university.Conclusions:The virtual simulation teaching experiment software of the bronchoscopy intelligent navigation-based fiducial marker implantation technology can be applied to the teaching of students and the training of related professionals.

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 47-50,55, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992260


Objective:To investigate the safety and efficacy of remimazolam combined with afentanyl for fiberoptic bronchoscopy.Methods:Sixty patients admitted to Chifeng Hospital for fiberbronchoscopy from January to April 2022 were selected and divided into two groups by random number table method: remimazolam group (group R) and propofol group (group P), 30cases in each group. After intravenous injection of alfentanil for anesthesia induction, group R was sedated by intravenous injection of remidazolam besylate, and group P was sedated by intravenous injection of propofol emulsion. When sufficient sedation was achieved, fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed. The patients were scored with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) before examination and before leaving the room. The recovery rate of sedation and the recovery rate of drugs during operation were compared. Blood pressure, heart rate (HR), bispectral index (BIS), SpO 2 value and Modified Observer′s Assessment of Alertness/Sedation (MOAA/S) score were compared before induction (T 0), at the beginning of examination (T 1), immediately when fiber bronchoscope reached juga (T 2), at the end of surgery (T 3), immediately, when patients regained consciousness (T 4). Drug onset and recovery time (time out of hospital) as well as the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative adverse reactions were recorded in both groups. Results:There was no statistically significant difference in general condition, MMSE score and examination time between the two groups (all P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in the success rate of sedation and the number of sedative remedy times (all P>0.05). The number of additional drugs in group R was significantly higher than that in group P ( P<0.05). The systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and BIS values of patients in group P at T 1 and T 2 were significantly lower than those in group R (all P<0.05). After administration, the MOAA/S score of the two groups began to decrease, and the decrease of the P group was significantly greater than that of the R group, and the MOAA/S value of the patients was the lowest at the 3rd and 4th minutes after administration, respectively. The time from the beginning of administration to the MOAA/S score ≤3 in group P was significantly shorter than that in group R (all P<0.05). The incidence of pain and respiratory depression after injection in group P was significantly higher than that in group R ( P<0.05). Conclusions:The application of afentanil combined with remimazolam in the patients undergoing fiberoptic bronchoscopy has good sedative effect and high anesthesia quality, and has no obvious effect on cognitive function and few adverse reactions, so it is safe and effective.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 37-42, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991975


Objective:To explore the rapid evaluation of the early pathogen of severe Chlamydophila psittaci pneumonia by bedside diagnostic bronchoscopy, so as to start effective anti-infection treatment before the results of macrogenome next generation sequencing (mNGS) test. Methods:The clinical data of three patients with severe Chlamydophila psittaci pneumonia who were successfully treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, the First People's Hospital of Aksu District, and the First Division Hospital of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps from October 2020 to June 2021 were retrospectively analyzed, including the rapid assessment of early pathogens by bedside diagnostic bronchoscopy and the use of antibiotics to start anti-infection treatment. These patients were successfully treated. Results:The three patients were male, aged 63, 45 and 58 years old, respectively. Before the onset of the penumonia, they had a clear medical history of bird exposure. The clinical manifestations mainly included fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and dyspnea. One case had abdominal pain and lethargy. The results of laboratory examination indicated that the peripheral blood white blood cell count (WBC) of two patients were high [(10.2-11.9)×10 9/L], the percentage of neutrophils increased (85.2%-94.6%) and the percentage of lymphocytes decreased (3.2%-7.7%) in all 3 patients after admission to hospital and entering into intensive care unit (ICU). The procalcitonin (PCT) of 3 patients increased after admission, and still increased when entering ICU (0.3-4.8 ng/L), so did C-reactive protein (CRP, 58.0-162.0 mg/L) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR, 36.0-90.0 mm/1 h). After admission, serum alanine transaminase (ALT) increased in 2 cases (136.7 U/L, 220.5 U/L), so did aspartate transaminase (AST) in 2 cases (249.6 U/L, 164.2 U/L). ALT (162.2-267.9 U/L) and AST (189.8-223.2 U/L) increased in 3 patients when they entered ICU. The level of serum creatinine (SCr) of 3 patients were normal after admission and entering ICU. The chest computed tomography (CT) findings of 3 patients were acute interstitial pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and lung consolidation, of which 2 cases were accompanied by a small amount of pleural effusion, and 1 case was accompanied by more regular small air sacs. Multiple lung lobes were involved, but mainly one lung lobe. The oxygenation index (PaO 2/FiO 2) of the 3 patients admitting to ICU were 100.0, 57.5 and 105.4 mmHg (1 mmHg ≈ 0.133 kPa), respectively, which met with the diagnostic criteria of moderate and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). All three patients received endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. Under the bedside bronchoscope, the bronchial mucosa of 3 patients were obviously congested and edematous, without purulent secretion, and there was 1 case with mucosal hemorrhage. Three patients underwent bedside diagnostic bronchoscopy, and the evaluation result of the pathogen was that it might be atypical pathogen infection, so they were given moxifloxacin, cisromet and doxycycline intravenously, respectively, and combined with carbapenem antibiotics intravenously. After 3 days, the detection results of mNGS in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) showed that only Chlamydia psittaci was infected. At this time, the condition was significantly improved, and PaO 2/FiO 2 was significantly increased. Therefore, the antibiotic treatment scheme remained unchanged, and mNGS only served to verify the initial diagnosis. Two patients were extubated on the 7th and 12th day of admission to the ICU, respectively, while one patient was extubated on the 16th day of admission to the ICU due to nosocomial infection. All 3 patients were transferred to the respiratory ward after the condition was stable. Conclusion:The bedside diagnostic bronchoscopy based on clinical characteristics is conducive to not only the rapid assessment of the early pathogens of severe Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia, but also effective anti-infection treatment before the returning of mNGS test results, which can make up for the lag and uncertainty of the mNGS test results.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 1539-1544, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005095


@#Objective    To investigate the clinical efficacy of preoperative location of pulmonary nodules guided by electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB). Methods    Patients who received preoperative ENB localization and then underwent surgery from March 2021 to November 2022 in the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine were collected. The clinical efficacy and safety of ENB localization and the related factors that may affect the success of ENB localization were analyzed. Results    Initially 200 patients were included, among whom 17 undergoing preoperative localization and biopsy were excluded and a total of 183 patients and 230 nodules were finally included. There were 62 males and 121 females with a mean age of 49.16±12.50 years. The success rate of navigation was 88.7%, and the success rate of ENB localization was 67.4%. The rate of complications related to ENB localization were 2.7%, and the median localization time was 10 (7, 15) min. Multi-variable analysis showed that factors related to successful localization included distance from localization site (OR=0.27, 95%CI 0.13-0.59, P=0.001), staining material (OR=0.40, 95%CI 0.17-0.95, P=0.038), and staining dose (OR=60.39, 95%CI 2.31-1 578.47, P=0.014). Conclusion     ENB-guided preoperative localization of pulmonary nodules is safe and effective, and the incidence of complications is low, which can be used to effectively assist the diagnosis and treatment of early lung cancer.

Chinese Journal of General Practitioners ; (6): 626-628, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994751


The clinical data of 50 children with tracheal bronchus, 35 males and 15 females with a mean age of 1.3 months (9 days to 10 years), diagnosed by bronchoscopy in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University from July 2017 to September 2021 were collected, including gender, age, symptoms, signs, bronchoscopy manifestations, imaging manifestations, associated diseases, and outcomes. There were 26 cases (52%) of severe pneumonia, 14 cases (28%) of recurrent wheezing, 8 cases (16%) of recurrent cough, and 2 cases (4%) of foreign bodies. The clinical symptoms were cough in 45 cases (90%), phlegm in 37 cases (74%), asthma in 28 cases (56%), and fever in 25 cases (50%). The physical signs were wet rale in 33 cases (66%), dry rale in 24 cases (48%), shortness of breath in 23 cases (46%), and triple concave sign in 21 cases (42%). The site of occurrence of tracheal bronchi was the right wall of the lower segment of the trachea. All 50 patients underwent complete pulmonary imaging examinations, but the presence of tracheal bronchus was reported in only 3 cases (6%). There were 24 cases (48%) with other types of tracheal malformations, including 9 cases (18%) of single malacia, 6 cases (12%) of single tracheal stenosis, 1 case (2%) of external tracheal compression, and 8 cases (16%) of multiple tracheal malformations. There were other underlying diseases in 27 cases (54%), congenital heart disease was the most common (17 cases, 34%), followed by premature infants (9 cases, 18%). In addition, there were 3 cases (6%) of chromosomal diseases, esophageal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula, and polydactyly. All children were discharged after anti-infection and bronchoscopy alveolar lavage. It is suggested that tracheobronchial malformation can cause infection, as well as other tracheal deformities such as tracheal softening and stenosis.

Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology ; (12): 832-835, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994268


Objective:To investigate the Chinese anesthesiologist′s proficiency, training experience and needs of flexible bronchoscope-guided awake flexible bronchoscopy intubation (AFBI) using a questionnaire method.Methods:The cluster sampling was used, and self-designed questionnaires that addressed 54 questions in 5 categories were distributed through WeChat and online platforms. The survey took one month, and the answers were automatically recorded by the WeChat server.Results:A total of 1 250 anesthesiologists participated in the survey in 30 provinces of China, 9 of them were not anesthesiologists, and 1 241 (99.28%) questionnaires were validated. In the valid questionnaires, 52.70% (654) of the anesthesiologists were from tertiary hospitals, and 74.78% (928) of the anesthesiologists were attending physicians or above, only 7.57% (94) of the anesthesiologists had sufficient confidence in AFBI. Twenty-five point two two percent (313) of the anesthesiologists preferred fiberoptic intubation as the first tool when dealing with the anticipated difficult airway. Forty-eight point one one percent (597) of the anesthesiologists had implemented AFBI. Among them, 80.74% (482) had experienced unsuccessful AFBI practices. Eight hundred and ninety-four anesthesiologists had received AFBI training, and the most common AFBI training strategy was theoretical lectures. In addition, the degree of satisfaction regarding the theoretical lectures quality, technical training, clinical practice relativity and non-technical skills training was 21.47% (192), 14.32% (128), 12.3% (110) and 17.90% (160), respectively. The degree of satisfaction with all the 4 training elements mentioned above was 7.27% (65).Conclusions:The awareness and practice of Chinese anesthesiologists in terms of clinical application of AFBI to treat difficult airways need to be strengthened at present, and the lack of high-quality AFBI training may be the key.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 470-475, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979532


@#The detection of peripheral pulmonary lesions has increased gradually with the popularity of CT. Rapid and accurate diagnosis, and individualized treatment are two aspects we need to pay great attention to. These situations also raise higher request for the technique in diagnosis and treatment. At present, the commonly used transthoracic methods can increase the risk of complications such as pneumothorax and bleeding. The newly bronchoscopic approaches for diagnosis and treatment make less injury via natural lumen and have been applied widely in clinics. This review will introduce the worth expecting progress in bronchoscopic diagnosis and treatment for peripheral pulmonary lesions.

Journal of International Oncology ; (12): 419-424, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989579


Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value and safety of transbronchial lung biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in pulmonary complications in patients with hematological tumors.Methods:A retrospective analysis was performed on 68 patients with hematological tumors combined with lung lesions from The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital and The Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen from May 2016 to May 2022, including 37 males, 31 females, with a median age of 56 years (age range 21-90 years), among which 20 patients were >65 years old. Diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed with signs including fever, cough, hypoxemia, hemoptysis, unexplained dyspnea, and imaging changes. Patients with pulmonary masses were evaluated for transbronchial lung biopsy, including inner and outer leaf mass and high-density shadow of lung leaves, pathological and special staining of biopsy tissue (Grocott staining), BAL acquisition of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) for microbiological smear/culture, cytomegalovirus, Pneumocystis jirovecii and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) smear, TB DNA, TB and fungal culture. Etiological analysis of pulmonary complications and observation of the complications associated with fiberoptic bronchoscopy in patients with hematological tumors were conducted. Results:BALF test was performed in all patients after bronchoscopy, bronchoscopic lung tissue biopsy was performed in 46 cases. The total number of confirmed pathogenic infections was 40, including 12 cases of fungal infections, 9 cases of bacterial infections (2 cases each of E. faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 1 case of Staphylococcus aureus, 1 case of Klebsiella pneumoniae, 1 case of E. coli, 1 case of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, and 1 case of Streptococcus mitis), 9 cases of viral infection (5 cases of cytomegalovirus, 3 cases of parainfluenza virus type Ⅲ, and 1 case of respiratory syncytial virus), 4 confirmed cases of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, 3 cases of suspected mixed infection of Pneumocystis jirovecii and fungi, 1 case of Cryptococcus, 2 cases of suspected TB infection. No pathogenic organisms were found in 28 cases, including 6 cases of mechanized pneumonia, 6 cases associated with a history of hematological tumors, and 16 cases of other unidentified pathogens. All patients did not experience death or other serious complications caused by bronchoscopy complications. Conclusion:Pulmonary complications are common in patients with hematological tumors, and the application of transbronchial lung biopsy has good safety. Early examination of fiberoptic bronchoscopy can provide pathogenic diagnostic evidence of bacterial, fungal, Pneumocystis jirovecii and viral infections, thus improving the diagnostic rate.